Soil Ecology Letters编委
[1]国家自然科学基金面上项目,小兴安岭阔叶红松林土壤动物集合群落多尺度格局和维持机制(编号: 41871042), 2019.01-2022.12,主持.
[2]国家自然科学基金面上项目,小兴安岭阔叶红松林地表和地下土壤跳虫功能性状时空分异及物种共存机制(编号: 41471037), 2015.01-2018.12,主持.
[3]黑龙江省普通本科高等学校青年创新人才培养计划项目,东北阔叶红松林步行虫群落功能性状时空格局及物种共存机制(编号: UNPYSCT-2015054),2015.01-2017.12,主持.
[4]国家自然科学基金面上项目,黑龙江省土壤动物和土壤微生物耦合关系研究(编号: 41371072),2014.01-2017.12,主持.
[5]中国博士后科学基金面上项目,帽儿山天然次生林土壤动物空间格局与环境因子空间关系(编号: 2012M511361),2012.05-2013.07,主持.
[6]国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,多尺度条件下东北典型森林土壤动物空间异质性特征及形成机制(编号: 41101049),2012.01-2014.12,主持.
[7]国家科技基础资源调查专项,中国东部农区土壤动物多样性调查(编号: 2018FY100300),2019.01-2023.12,参加,第五课题技术负责人.
[8]国家自然科学基金重点项目,长期耕作影响下东北黑土农田土壤动物多样性的维持、保护及其生态服务功能研究(编号: 41430857),2015.01-2018.12,参加,专题负责人.
[1]高梅香.东北东部森林生态系统土壤动物空间分布特征.哈尔滨地图出版社, 2017.5, ISBN:978-7-5464-1579-3, 206千字.
[2]李井科,高梅香,张雪萍.原色中国东北土壤甲虫图鉴--金龟子类.哈尔滨地图出版社,2015.9, ISBN: 9787546512235, 140千字.
[3]张雪萍,王蕾,王永洁,孙元,杨丽雯,张武,张淑花,林琳,高梅香.生态学原理,科学出版社,2011.5, ISBN:9787030302243, 526千字,(按姓氏笔画排序).
[1]Meixiang Gao, Zhihong Qiao, Hongyu Hou, Guangze Jin, Donghui Wu. Factors that affect the assembly of ground-dwelling beetles at small scales in primary mixed broadleaved-Korean pine forests in north-east China. Soil Ecology Letters, 2019, 1(2): 47-60.
[2]Meixiang Gao*, Xin Sun, Zhihong Qiao, Hongyu Hou, Tingyu Lu*, Donghui Wu, Guangze Jin. Distinct patterns suggest that assembly processes differ for dominant arthropods in above-ground and below-ground ecosystems, Pedobiologia. 2018, 69: 17-28.
[3]Meixiang Gao, Saisai Cheng, Juanping Ni, Lin Lin, Tingyu Lu*, Donghui Wu*.Negative spatial and coexistence patterns and species associations are uncommon for carrion beetles (Coleoptera:Silphidae) at a small scale, European Journal of Soil Biology, 2017, 83: 52-57.
[4]Meixiang Gao, Melanie K. Taylor, Mac. A. Callaham Jr.*.Trophic dynamics in a simple experimental ecosystem: Interactions among centipedes, Collembola and introduced earthworms. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2017, 115: 66-72.
[5]Meixiang Gao*, Dong Liu, Lin Lin, Donghui Wu*. The small-scale structure of a soil mite metacommunity. European Journal of Soil Biology, 2016, 74: 69-75.
[6]Meixiang Gao, Ping He, Dong Liu, Xueping Zhang*, Donghui Wu*. Relative roles of spatial factors, environmental filtering and biotic interactions in fine-scale structuring of a soil mite community. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2014: 79, 68-77.
[7]Meixiang Gao, Jingke Li, Xueping Zhang*. Responses of soil fauna structure and leaf litter decomposition to effective microorganism treatments in Da Hinggan Mountains, China. Chinese Geographical Sciense, 2012, 22(6): 647-658.
[8] Jinwen Liu, Xiujuan Yan, Jie Liu, Jianping Li, Qiyun Li, Donghui Wu*,Meixiang Gao*. Aphid-Ant Mutualism: Expansion of Spatial-Temporal Co-Occurrence to both Species in A 50-Year Tillage Cornfield in Northeast China, Revista Científica, 2018, 28(6): 408-416.
[9] Jie Liu,Meixiang Gao*, Jinwen Liu, Yuxi Guo, Dong Liu, Xinyu Zhu, Donghui Wu*. Spatial distribution patterns of soil mite communities and their relationships with edaphic factors in a 30-year tillage cornfield in northeast China. Plos One, 201813(6): e0199093.
[10] Dong Chengxu,Gao Meixiang*, Guo Chuanwei, Lin Lin, Wu Donghui, Zhang Limin. The underlying processes of a soil mite metacommunity on a small scale. PLoS ONE, 2017, 12(5): e0176828.
[11] Di Sha,Meixiang Gao*, Xin Sun, Donghui Wu*, Xueping Zhang. Relative contributions of spatial and environmental processes and biotic interactions in a soil collembolan community. Chinese Geographical Sciense, 2015, 25(5): 582–590.
[12] Lin Lin,Meixiang Gao*, Dong Liu, Xueping Zhang, Haitao Wu, Donghui Wu. Co-occurrence patterns of above-ground and below-ground mite communities in farmland of Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China. Chinese Geographical Science, 2014, 24(3): 339-347.
[13] Yuxi Guo,Meixiang Gao, Jie Liu, Andrey S. Zaitsev, Donghui Wu*.Disentangling the drivers of ground-dwelling macro-arthropod metacommunity structure at two different spatial scales. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2019, 130: 55-62.
[14] Jie Liu,Meixiang Gao, Yanlong Ma, Xin Sun, Xinyu Zhu, Sina Adl, Donghui Wu*. Spatial and environmental factors are minor structuring forces in a soil Collembola metacommunity in a maize agroecosystem. Pedobiologia, 2019, 76: 150572.
[15] Jie Liu,Meixiang Gao, Zhijing Xie, Xin Sun*. Two new onychiurid species (Collembola, Onychiurinae) inhabiting morel fruit bodies in southwest China. Zootaxa, 2019, 4576(2): 367-374.
[16] Nikolay A. Ryabinini, Dong Liu,Meixiang Gao, Donghui Wu*. Checklist of oribatid mites (Acari, Oribatida) of the Russian Far East and Northeast of China. Zootaxa, 2018, 4472 (2): 201–232
[17] Xin Sun, Donghui Wu*,Meixiang Gao.Descrption of the octopunctata-group species of Protaphorura from China (Collembola: Onychiuridae). Zootaxa, 2013, 3710(4): 363-371.
[18] Jingke Li, Nel Andre*, Xueping Zhang*, Fleck Gunther,Meixiang Gao, Lin Lin, Jia Zhou.A third species of the relict family Epiophlebiidae discovered in China (Odonata: Epiproctophora).Syestematic Entomology, 2012, 37(2): 408-412.
[19]高梅香,林琳,常亮,孙新,刘冬,吴东辉*.土壤动物群落空间格局和构建机制研究进展.生物多样性, 2018,26(10):1034-1050.
[20]高梅香,张超,乔志宏,侯宏宇,金光泽,卢廷玉*,吴东辉.小兴安岭阔叶红松林地表甲虫Metacommunity格局.生态学报,2018, 38(6): 5636-5648.
[21]高梅香,朱纪元,倪娟平,李景科,林琳*,吴东辉.小兴安岭阔叶红松林地表甲虫Beta多样性.生态学报,2018, 38(2): 457-463.
[22]高梅香,刘冬*,张雪萍,吴东辉.三江平原农田地表和地下土壤螨类丰富度与环境因子的空间关联性.生态学报, 2016, 36(6):1782-1792.
[23]高梅香,李景科,石昊,张雪萍*,朱纪元.人工红松林步行虫(Coleoptera:Carabidae)群落物种共存格局动态分析.生态学报, 2016, 36(20):6591-6601.
[24]高梅香,何萍,孙新,张雪萍*,吴东辉*.环境筛选,扩散限制和生物间相互作用在温带落叶阔叶林土壤跳虫群落构建中的作用.科学通报,2014, 59(24): 2426-2438.
[25]高梅香,何萍,刘冬,郭传伟,张雪萍*,李景科.温带落叶阔叶林土壤螨群落多尺度空间自相关性.土壤通报, 2014, 45(5): 1131-1138.
[26]高梅香,刘冬,吴东辉*,张雪萍.三江平原农田地表和地下土壤螨群落空间自相关性研究.土壤学报, 2014, 51(6): 163-171.
[27]高梅香,孙新,吴东辉*,张雪萍.三江平原农田土壤跳虫多尺度空间自相关性.生态学报, 2014, 34(17), 4980-4990.
[28]高梅香,张雪萍*.石灰和有效微生物群处理条件下土壤动物群落多样性研究.土壤通报,2011, 42(3):545-551.
[29]高梅香,张雪萍*.石灰和EM处理条件下土壤动物群落在落叶分解中的变化.生态学报,2011, 31(1):164-174.
[30]高梅香,国庆喜*,程远峰.模拟生境面积和生境质量对野猪种群动态影响.东北林业大学学报,2011, 39 (1): 116-119.
[31]高梅香,国庆喜*,王化儒.完达山东部地区景观破碎格局情景多尺度分析.水土保持研究, 2009, 16 (3): 52-56.
[32]乔志宏,侯宏宇,高梅香*,卢廷玉,金光泽,吴东辉.小兴安岭凉水阔叶红松林地表隐翅虫群落空间异质性.生态学杂志, 2019, 38(2): 500-512.
[33]倪娟平,程赛赛,高梅香*,卢廷玉,金光泽.丰林典型阔叶红松林地表步甲科和隐翅虫科成虫空间异质性及其与环境因子的空间关联性,生物多样性,2018, 26(1): 14-26.
[34]倪娟平,程赛赛,高梅香*,张超,李景科.阔叶红松林地表鞘翅目多样性及种间关联性,生态学杂志, 2 018, 37 (5): 1417-1425.
[35]程赛赛,倪娟平,高梅香*,李景科.小兴安岭森林地表鞘翅目成虫对不同干扰梯度的响应,生态学报,2018,38(9): 3097-3190.
[36]曹阳,高梅香*,张雪萍,董承旭.黑龙江省不同纬度梯度农田大型土壤动物群落分布特征.生态学报, 2017, 37(5): 1677-1687.
[37]朱纪元,李景科,高梅香*,胡媛媛,张雪萍.帽儿山红松人工林鞘翅目成虫群落小尺度空间异质性变化特征.生态学报, 2017, 37(6) :1975-1986.
[38]董承旭,翟清明,林琳,张雪萍,高梅香*. EM堆肥对黑土耕作区中小型土壤动物群落的影响.应用生态学报, 2016, 27(6): 1795-1783.
[39]朱纪元,李景科,程赛赛,闫龙,胡媛媛,曹阳,倪娟平,刘俊,王继富,高梅香*.小兴安岭阔叶红松林局地尺度地表鞘翅目成虫群落结构.东北林业大学学报, 2016, 44(12): 57-63.
[40]张丽梅,高梅香*,刘冬,张雪萍,吴东辉.环境筛选和扩散限制在地表和地下螨群落物种共存中的调控作用.生态学报,2016,36(13): 3951-3959.
[41]沙迪,翟清明,张雪萍,高梅香*.甲氨基阿维菌素苯甲酸盐对黑土区农田土壤动物群落的影响.地理研究,2015,34(5): 872-882.
[1]黑龙江省科学技术奖三等奖,黑龙江省人民政府,排名第一, 2016.02.08.
[2]黑龙江省高校科学技术奖一等奖,黑龙江省高校科学技术奖励委员会,排名第一, 2016.1.22.
[3]吉林省自然科学学术成果奖评审委员会, 排名第三, 2015.10.