主讲人: 熊曦 助理教授 日本金泽大学
报告题目:Modeling of hydro-mechanical behavior of unsaturated soils considering finite deformation and its application to unsaturated slope stability
主持人:熊勇林 副教授 宁波大学
报告时间: 2024年5月29日(周三)14:00-16:00
报告地点:博彩导航 思禹建工楼A101
熊曦,⼥,现为⽇本⾦泽⼤学理⼯学院地球科学与⼟⽊⼯程系助理教授。2020年获⽇本名古屋⼯业⼤学岩⼟⼯程博⼠学位,同年进⼊⽇本⾦泽⼤学理⼯学院地球科学与⼟⽊⼯程系,任助理教授⼀职。主要从事岩⼟材料本构模型、⾮饱和⼟、地 质灾害防治以及桩基础⽅⾯的研究和教学⼯作。兼任国际地质灾害与减灾协会会员、国际静压桩学会会员、⽇本⼟⽊⼯程学会会员以及⽇本岩⼟⼯程学会会员。主持⽇本学术振兴会⻘年基⾦项⽬以及横向项⽬数项,参与⽇本⽂部省地区创新⽣态系统建设项⽬。在《Landslides》、《Engineering geology》等权威期刊上发表SCI及EI论⽂约20篇。
Since the hydraulic/mechanical behaviour of unsaturated soil is more complicated than that of saturated soil, one of the most important issues in modelling unsaturated soil is to properly couple the stress-strain relation of unsaturated soil with its water retention characteristics. A series of water retention, oedometer and triaxial tests on unsaturated Masado, a completely decomposed granite soil widely distributed in western Japan, were conducted. A special loading pattern named as constant degree of saturation, were designed and conducted for the oedometer and triaxial tests. Based on the tests results, a saturated/unsaturated soil constitutive model coupling with a deformation-dependent water retention model was proposed. After verification, the newly proposed model was applied to the stability problems of unsaturated slopes and unsaturated landslide dams.