
2015年宁波大学王宽诚教育基金会资助英国国王学院Prof.Dr.Chris Hamnett来校讲学项目系列学术报告
发布时间: 2015-10-20


2015年宁波大学王宽诚教育基金会资助英国国王学院Prof.Dr.Chris Hamnett来校讲学项目系列学术报告



1.Globalisation and the Rise of China  


This lecture looks at Chinas changing global economic importance over the last 40 years. It has gone from being a very poor, relatively low developed country prior to the reforms in 1978 to the world’s second largest economy after the USA (and may overtake  USA very soon). In the process, China has seen a rapid expansion of manufacturing industry and has now become the world’s largest exporter of manufactured goods. This has major implications for the global economic system. The old global division of labour, involving western countries exporting to the rest of the world while importing raw materials has now been replaced by new international division of labour. The lecture combines  both theoretical discussion and empirical analysis using World Bank and IMF data.


2.Changes in Occupational Class Structure in Western Cities


This lecture looks at the changing class structure of western cities. These cities have seen major changes over the last 200 years.  In the pre-industrial era, the great majority of workers in these cities were unskilled with a small professional elite. In the industrial period from the industrial revolution onwards, about 1850, there was a growth of skilled and semi-skilled manufacturing workers. But, since 1970, many western cities have experienced large scale de-industrialisation with the major loss of manufacturing industry and employment. As a result, their occupational structure has shifted towards services. In the post-industrial city, this growth has been of two kinds, first high skill, high educated and high income workers in law and finance and low skilled jobs in restaurants, hotels, catering etc. The big question in western cities is how their class and income structure has changed? Are they becoming more professionalised, more proletarianised or more polarised?




3.The housing market and social segregation in Western cities

时间:2015-10-2013:00-14:30 地点:叶耀珍406

All western cities are socially segregated in different ways. This can be on the basis of income, class, ethnicity, age and household structure or religion. The nature and form of segregation has changed over time as improvements in transportation: rail, bus, car have allowed people to live further away from centre of the city. This led to large scale suburbanisation, particularly in North American cities. Most American cities also saw large scale immigration from Europe in the C19th and early C20th and of black citizens from the southern states of the USA. These groups generally settled in the low cost, poor housing in the inner city close to docks. More affluent white residents moved out to suburbs. The result was growing income and ethnic segregation between the inner city and the suburbs which became known as the urban problem. In European cities, things are different as there was large scale social housing but what this means is that the poor and low income groups are concentrated in social housing. Otherwise the housing market is driven by private profits and the high income groups tend to live in the best housing.




4.Ethnic change in Western Cities 


Many western cities have experienced large scale ethnic change as a result of big immigration from overseas particularly in the period since 1950s. Many European countries had colonies overseas. In Britain, there was large scale immigration from the West Indies, India, Pakistan and Africa. In France much migration was from North and West Africa and in Netherlands from Morocco and Indonesia. Recently there has been high immigration from poorer EU countries. Many of the ethnic minority groups have high birth rates and this has changed the ethnic structure of European cities and also the composition of schools which now have a majority of children from minority groups.







5.Urban regeneration and social change (SPSPA seminar)


This seminar deals with the nature, causes and impact of gentrification and urban regeneration in western cities. It makes the argument that in order to understand the significance of Gentrification it is necessary to understand the economic and social change which have affected many western cities since the 1950s. These led to the middle classes ‘abandoning’ or leaving the inner city. Movement of parts of the young,professional, educated midde class back to the inner city was therefore important but it has led to major theoretical debates over explanation and the scale of residential displacement of low income groups who are pushed out by the more affluent middle classes. In western countries most academics now regard gentrification as a bad thing though policy makers often welcome it.



6.Global Cities

时间:2015-10-28 10:00-11:35;地点:叶耀珍406

This lecture looks at the origins of the concept of global cities and examines in detail the approaches of John Friedmann and Saskia Sassen. It looks at the theoretical basis of the approachs and the stress on both Transnational corporations and financial and business services. It links Friedmanns approach to Wallerstein’s ideas about the capitalist world economy and it asks why some cities were included and others excluded.





