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2.Wang Yanan,  Xu Hao,  Li Maotian. Long-term changes in phytoplankton communities in China's Yangtze Estuary driven by altered riverine fluxes and rising sea surface temperature[J]. Geomorphology, 2021, 376:107566.

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12.Li Maotian, Chen Zhongyuan, Finlayson Brain, Wei Taoyuan, Chen Jing, Wu Xiaodan, Xu Hao, Webber Michael, Barnett Jon, Wang Mark, 2015. Water diversion and sea-level rise: Potential threats to freshwater supplies in the Changjiang River estuary[J]. Estuarine Coastal & Shelf Science, 156(1):52-60

13.Finlayson Brain*, Barnett Jon, Wei Taoyuan, Webber Michael, Li Maotian, Wang Mark, Chen Jing, Xu Hao and Chen Zhongyuan, 2013. The drivers of risk to water security in Shanghai[J]. Regional Environmental Change, 13: 329-340
